Sunday, August 12, 2012

And Vice Versa

Seriously, folks. To be driven into hysterics concerning the opinion of any one person, product, or the people behind a product, is stupid and nothing short of ignorant. For ignorance as a whole is the lack of knowledge, and to most benefactors, it is the utter assumption that they posses complete knowledge on a certain subject. So in order to clamber onto a soapbox and make defiant, definite, or otherwise damning statements, one must be totally sure of the fact that one's own experience provides sufficient truth to actually make such statements. Which, adhering to my limited knowledge of humanity, is seldom the case. 

Honestly, far to many outspoken Americans enjoy this pastime. Last time I checked, we are very fond of shouting from our political soapboxes, all the while declaring it's constitutional legitimacy. Satisfying, isn't it? And what's to stop us? This is a nation of free people-- of free voices! We know the truth, and we deserve to shake it in front of each scowling liberal face! 

However, O conservative people...   

The right that allows you to scream yourself hoarse over a differing opinion, is the very same right that allows them to retain it. Likewise, that freedom allows them to voice their views. 

A free country such as ours should be capable of just that: Freedom. Free fiscally, politically, religiously, and as previously mentioned, vocally. Just because the founding fathers had views similar to the modern conservative does not grant you permission to crap on everything else! A left-wing citizen has just as much right to declare support for LGBT as you have to openly attend church. I know homosexuality isn't Biblically accurate, I know that it isn't according to our morals, and yes, I know you think it's detrimental to family ideals. But the fact remains- they too live in a free country. And that you would sooner condemn the gays for their views before championing anything else tells me that you'd rather be against something than actually stand for an ideal of your own. 

In the end, I've come away with an interesting thought-- though likely a controversial one. That is, if the government outlaws the gays' rights, what's to say that we'll still have ours? After all, what I believe doesn't define who they are. The existence of something is not reliant upon my approval. Especially in this self-entitled Melting Pot! Freedom for you means freedom for everyone else. bigot. 

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to enjoy a chicken sandwich and some Oreo cookies


  1. It is a very controversial topic you bring up, and I applaud your boldness in not behaving timidly with the topic at hand. It should be discussed, and it is a valuable point you make.

    But... I would warn you to be quite careful that *you* know where you stand, before you go accusing others. The only thing worse than a bigot is a hypocrite.

  2. Jesse - Well written, well thought out, and well put.
